Thursday, November 19, 2015

Email Order Processing - Tips - Brian M. Hazel


The worst enemy of  -> Online Email Marketing

is : Spam Filters and Blacklists. 
And... it doesn’t matter,

what is the content of your emails and who you send them to

– many great email marketers face this exact problem. 
 Spam filters  are very random by nature and are  not necessarily very accurate. So even if you’re not spamming there’s still a  probability of being blacklisted, but the chance remains the chance. 
So here is the list of websites where you can check whether you’re "blacklisted" or not – just enter your mail server IP address and/or domain name and do the check:

DNS Stuff
Blacklist Check

I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.


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