Thursday, February 4, 2016

Front End Profits - Brian Hazel Online


Email Marketing for => Online Email Order Processing

Marketing e-mails using a house list are seeing an average open rate of nearly 20%,
a click-through rate of 6.64% and a conversation rate of 1.73%,

According to a survey released in July by the Direct Marketing Association.

Marketing e-mails are also bouncing back at a rate of 3.72% and seeing a unsubscribe rate of 0.77%.
Response rates for direct mail marketing pieces have also held steady, according to the organization, seeing rates of 3.42% for a house list and 1.38% for prospect lists.
Marketing Association also noted that outbound telemarketing to prospects had the highest response rate at 6.16%, and also the highest cost per order or lead at $309.25.

The group also noted that nearly 60% of direct mail campaigns in financial services aimed to produce a direct sale.

The average response rate in this category was a comparatively low 2.66% for a house list and 1.01% from a prospect list.
Also, response rates for business-to-business campaigns were generally higher than business-to-consumer campaigns, and that Internet tactics were used less often for direct sales than traditional sources.

I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>My First Online Payday with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.

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