Sunday, February 21, 2016

Outside of the Box Marketing - Brian Hazel


Creative but yet very measured promotional techniques

 Directed towards =>Applied Cash Flow

Made me a Literal Fortune...and I am proud to admit it...

 In this world of apologies...
1. Stage a rally for “good customer service.” Imagine what would happen if you had picketers outside your place of business with picket signs that read something like,

 “We’re protesting good customer service at this location!” or...

“This place is full of nice people interested in customers!”

First, you’ll get noticed.

Second, you may get coverage by the local media.
2. Conduct a random act of kindness. Pay the toll for the car behind yours and ask the toll collector to give your business card to them, telling them you paid their toll. Sure this is a crapshoot, but it’s imaginative and you never know who might be on the road. It’s a low-cost guerrilla marketing tactic that has imagination written all over it.
3. Nominate yourself for an award. Look around the internet. Ask your local chamber of commerce. There are many awards given by many organizations that accept self-nominations. Once you’re nominated, publicize it with a press release. Prospects love “award winning” people and businesses.
4. Award a “Customer of the Month” award and have many, many winners. Customers like attention, especially if they’re in a special group. Award a plaque or certificate; these won’t get thrown away and will remain at your customer’s place of business as a reminder of their relationship with you.
5. Tie yourself to a news event or current event covered by the newspaper. Find a news story and issue a press release to publications, radio stations and television stations, offering yourself as an expert to comment on a related subject. It’s one of the best ways to get free PR. Remember to use your imagination here. Just watch the news and do a reverse analysis.
6. Provide special attention to trade-show attendees the night before a trade show you’re attending. Stand out from the crowd at trade shows by hanging door hangers on hotel room doors at designated trade-show hotels, offering a hook and an announcement or a special offer. Leave bags of candies, aspirin, insole pads for shoes or maybe a cloth carry bag to collect trade show information in. Your competition isn’t doing this. You’ll stand out, you’ll be noticed, and you’ll definitely be thanked if you put yourself in front of your prospect again.
7. Hold a wacky contest. The beauty of contests is threefold. You can announce the contest to your prospects, customers and the media. You can then announce the winners to the media and hopefully get press each time. Have multiple winners to delight multiple customers. Contests can be fun, wacky and imaginative: a messy desk contest, ugly tie contest, pet/owner look-alike contest, etc.
8. Create a funky holiday. Today is “Orange Hair Day,” or “Wear Army Fatigue Day,” or “Give Ice Cream to a Friend Day.” These are made up and from a brainstorm session. Your holiday that cross promotes your business, service or products is only limited by your imagination. Don’t forget to publicize it, announce it, market it over and over, and have fun with it. You’ll get noticed and people will grow to expect it if you do it on a frequent basis. Plus it’ll make so much fun to everyone in your company!
9. Create a unique association. This is a little bit more of an undertaking, but imagine appealing to a target group, getting members, receiving paid subscriptions, offering a set of benefits, and being at the center of attention. Many associations have been created with this in mind and to market a business. 
Let's Get Creative Here....
I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.


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